Frogs have interesting mating and reproduction life, from males using unique vocals to attract females to unique mating positions. However, one thing you may get curious to know is whether frogs keep one mate for life or practice polygamy.
Do frogs mate for life? No, frogs do not mate for life. Once a male attracts a female and they mate, they do not stick together to bring up their young ones. Most frog species show no parental care for their offspring and go their separate ways after laying and fertilizing the eggs.
In this article, we will discuss more details about the fascinating mating and reproduction life of frogs. You will also discover whether all frogs practice polygamy or whether there are exceptions.
Do frogs mate for life?
Frogs do not mate for life. This isn’t surprising given that monogamy isn’t popular in class Amphibia. These coldblooded animals are notoriously promiscuous.
Both males and females mate with multiple partners throughout their lifespans and do not form any long-term bonds with their partners.
More than one male can even fertilize a single female’s eggs in a breeding season.

This promiscuous behavior can be explained by the fact that mating in frogs is usually through external fertilization.
Males tend to tightly clasp females from behind—in the amplexus mating position—and then release their sperm at the same time the females lay their eggs, thus fertilizing them.
After mating and fertilization of eggs, the female and male go separate ways and may even proceed to look for other mates.
Lack of parental care is another reason why frogs lack one mate for life. The eggs are left to develop on their own. However, in some cases, the male may stay behind to guard the eggs.
However, there are always exceptions:
One species, the Peruvian poison frog (Ranitomeya imitator) AKA mimic poison frog, is the ONLY frog that has been discovered by scientists to show monogamous behavior. (Source).
According to scientists studying this frog, the female lays her egg on leaves and the male proceeds to fertilize them. When the eggs hatch, the male transports the tadpoles to water pools, where they grow under his eye.
The female frog stays behind but she regularly hops in the pool and lay unfertilized eggs for her tadpoles to eat.

This unusual monogamous and co-parenting behavior has been linked to limited resources available to these frogs.
Out of the 404 species studies, the scientists concluded that species facing limited food resources and difficulties in tadpole rearing are highly likely to co-parent to raise their young ones
Thoropa taophora river frog:
Another unique case is the male Thoropa taophora river frog, which only mates with two males in its lifetime.
While this isn’t monogamy, it’s a unique case because most species engage in group fidelity but this frog chooses to mate with only 2 females—forming a perfect love triangle!

This river frog Brazilian Atlantic rainforest fights to protect and roost over freshwater seeps in the rocky shores in its natural habitat—here the females lay their eggs and the male protect them.
Due to scarcity of prime seeps, 2-3 female T. taophoras share a male in their seep. One of the females becomes dominant and the others secondary.
Despite this hierarchy, the females will mate with the male exclusively and repeatedly over a breeding season.
Do frogs mate with multiple partners?
Yes, different frog species usually mate with multiple partners every breeding season. Unlike animals that form long-term bonds with one mate, frogs do not keep one parer for life and tend to practice group fidelity, just like other amphibians.

The male frogs count on their vocal abilities to produce quality calls that attract females for mating during each breeding season. When a female is interested and shows up, the two mate, and the eggs are fertilized externally.
Once the eggs are laid and fertilized, the two frogs go separate ways and leave the eggs to develop on their own. The frogs, especially males, will go ahead and look for more mates, meaning they will mate with multiple partners in any given season.
Do frogs need a mate to reproduce?
Frogs reproduce sexually, meaning they require a mate to reproduce. Both male and female frogs must mate for fertilization and successful reproduction of offspring.
This usually happens during the breeding season, when males make mating calls to attract females for mating.

The mating usually involves external fertilization, where the female lays eggs and the male fertilizes them outside the female body.
If the female frog does not get a mate, she won’t lay fertilized eggs that can develop into tadpoles.
How do frogs attract a mate?
The most common way frogs attract a mate is by producing vocalizations. This involves males making unique calls/sounds using their vocal sacs to attract potential females for mating.
Since each species has a unique call, females can easily recognize males of their species in the wild calling out to them.

Other methods males may use to attract females include visual cues, e.g. body postures and bright colors.
If a female becomes interested, the male typically engages in courtship behavior. This may involve touching her or even making visual displays to further attract her and initiate the mating process.
How often do frogs mate?
Frogs generally mate once per year, during each breeding season. This usually occurs around spring and summer months.
However, the frequency of mating is likely to differ among different species and their geographical location as well as climate.

It is not unusual to find some frog species that breed several times a year, especially those in tropical rainforest habitats.
Still on it, some species will only mate in response to certain environmental cues, e.g., changes in temperature and rainfall.
When does a female frog ready to mate?
Most female frogs reach sexual maturity between ages 1 and 3 years, though the exact age can vary depending on the species. Some frogs may even take longer than 1-3 years. Once a female is ready to mate, she displays behavior such as moving toward the calling males during the breeding season.

Dart frogs do not mate for life. Both males and females usually have multiple partners in each breeding season and do not form any long-term bonds with each other.
African dwarf frogs don’t mate for life. Both males and females usually have multiple partners in each breeding season and do not form any long-term bonds with each other.
While there are animals that mate for life, frogs and amphibians in general do not count among them. Most frog species usually have multiple mating partners in every breeding season and never form long-term bonds with them. External fertilization and lack of parental care among the frogs could explain their promiscuous behavior.
The only exception is the mimic poison frog, which keeps one mate for life and co-parents to bring up their young ones. The Thoropa taophora river frog also shows unique mating behavior by keeping 2-3 females that he mates with repeatedly in a breeding season.

Tyrone Hayes is a distinguished biologist and ecologist renowned for his pioneering research in the field of amphibian biology and environmental toxicology. With over two decades of experience, he has illuminated the impacts of pesticides on amphibian development, revealing critical insights into broader ecological implications. Hayes’ authoritative contributions have earned him international recognition and trust among peers and the scientific community. His unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth behind complex environmental issues underscores his expertise, experience, and unwavering dedication to advancing ecological understanding.