Frogs are necessary for our nature because they help to maintain the food chain, control insect populations, and provide food for other animals. And to protect them, according to environmental scientists, we need to know where they live and what their habitats are like.
So, where do frogs live? From tropical rainforests to deserts, frogs basically live in a variety of places around the world. But, they are mostly found in aquatic and swampy locations, such as ponds, lakes, streams, marshes, and wetlands. They can also be found in moist forests and grasslands.
Throughout this article, we’ll discuss more about this. So, continue reading to learn more.
Where Do Frogs Live? A Detailed Explanation About Frog Habitats [source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,]
Frogs are called Amphibians, which is a word that comes from the Greek word “amphibious.” This means “both/double life.” In fact, they are a class of vertebrates that can live on both land and water.

Frogs are found in various habitats worldwide, except for Antarctica, some oceanic islands, and arid deserts. Frogs only live where they get access to 3 main and essential things, which are as follows.
- Plenty of foods
- Freshwater
- A safe place to reproduce
Here is a detailed overview of some of the most common frog habitats:
1. Lakes (large or small freshwater lakes)
Usually, frogs live on large and small freshwater lakes where they get a lot of food, like insects, worms, and other small animals that live in and around lakes. Most of the time, green frogs and North American bullfrogs live in these places.

As the lake’s water doesn’t move like a river or other canal, it provides a perfect environment for frogs to breed and lay their eggs.
Frogs are cold-blooded amphibians, and lakes provide a perfect shelter that keeps them cool on hot days and warm on cold days. Also, lakes protect the frogs from the sun, wind, rain, and other predators.
2. Ponds (natural or man-made)
Frogs are also found in natural or man-made ponds. They are an excellent place for frogs because they provide a lot of food, shaded areas, and safety.
Additionally, like lakes, Ponds also help the frogs regulate their body temperature in cold and hot seasons.

3. Creeks and Streams
Creeks and Streams with shaded areas and slow-moving water are also a perfect place for frogs to live. These areas are often filled with several tiny creatures and other animals, which are a good source of food for frogs.
But frogs can’t live or reproduce in such streams or creeks in which water moves fast or too deep.
4. Rainforests
Approximately 200 different types of poison dart frogs and tree frogs can be found in tropical rainforests. Among them, the most common are the Smoky Jungle Frog, Panamanian Golden Frog, Golden Poison Dart Frog, Glass Frog, etc.

5. Land (close to any water sources)
Frogs are also found in such lands which are near any water sources. But empty and open lands don’t provide any proper shelter. That’s why, though frogs can be found in these areas, they don’t always live there.

6. Wetlands (like Marshes, Swamps, etc)
Wetlands like Marshes and swamps are typically warm and humid, which is ideal for frogs’ cold-blooded bodies. The frogs that live in these places are brown-striped grass frogs, chorus frogs, striped marsh frogs, green tree frogs, spotted grass frogs, etc.
7. Deserts
Sounds weird, but it’s true that some frogs live in deserts. There are several adaptations that help desert frogs survive in their dry habitats.
Two types of frog that live in deserts are the Desert rain frog and the Burrowing frog. These frogs spend most of their time underground to protect them from the hot sun and dry air. And they only come out to feed and breed after heavy rains.

Along with these, there are several types of frogs found in the desert. Some of them are:
- Desert Spadefoot
- Northern Sandhill Frog
- Desert Tree Frog
- African Bullfrogs
8. Trees
According to Britannica, there are over 800 species of tree frogs, and they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Their feet are equipped with sticky toe pads, which help them to hold/grip the tree branches and leaves properly.
They also have long, powerful legs that help them jump from tree to tree. Some of them have the ability to change their skin color, which helps them to hide from predators.

9. Woodlands
The most common type of frog that lives in woodlands is the wood frog. They are small, brown frogs with dark spots on their backs.
Other types of frogs that live in woodlands are as follows.
- Common frog (Rana temporaria)
- Barking Tree Frog
- American Toad
- Boreal Chorus Frogs
10. Garden
Lastly, depending on the geographical location, you can find several types of frogs in your garden. Mostly, common frogs, leopard frogs, and American toads are found in gardens.

Threats To Frog Habitats, Population, And Reproduction
It is a well-known fact that frogs are amphibians that have survived multiple extinction events for more than 300 million years.
Though they are well known for their resilience, nowadays, their numbers are decreasing at an alarming rate because of several unprecedented threats.

These threats include the following.
- Habitat destruction
- Disease
- Water pollution
- Urbanization
- Ultraviolet radiation
- Toxic chemicals
- Pollution from pesticides and chemicals
- Deforestation
- Agriculture
- Climate change
- Illegal capturing and exporting frogs for money
- Invasive species (such as American crayfish, bullfrog, Asian carp, etc.)
How To Protect Frog Habitats?
Recently, because of several reasons, frog populations have been declining significantly. If this continues, one day, these frogs will become an endangered species, and our world’s natural ecosystem will be threatened.
But, if we take some steps and follow some rules, then we can significantly protect frogs and their habitats.

Here are some ways to protect frog habitats:
- Reduce the use of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides in your yard or land
- Protect wetlands near your home
- Plant native plants in your yard
- Avoid draining or filling wetlands, and don’t pollute them
- If you have some outdoor space, make a pond or wetland area
- Support the organizations that work to protect frog habitats
- Educate others about the importance of frogs and their habitats
Even though we covered all the topics about where frogs live, you might still have more questions in your mind. So, to satisfy your curiosity, we have answered a few extra questions below.
Basically, Frogs have existed for over 200 million years since the Early Jurassic period. In Madagascar, a fossil frog known as Triadobatrachus Massinoti has been discovered, which goes back to the Early Triassic.
Generally, frogs often live from 1 day to 10 years. However, some frogs can live longer than this, especially in captivity situations.
Wrapping Up
After all, frogs play an important role in ecosystems around the world. They not only eat other harmful insects and animals, but also they are an excellent food source for many other animals, including birds, snakes, and fish.
So, we shouldn’t hunt or kill frogs and maintain the places where they live. Through this, we can ensure a balanced ecosystem in nature.

Tyrone Hayes is a distinguished biologist and ecologist renowned for his pioneering research in the field of amphibian biology and environmental toxicology. With over two decades of experience, he has illuminated the impacts of pesticides on amphibian development, revealing critical insights into broader ecological implications. Hayes’ authoritative contributions have earned him international recognition and trust among peers and the scientific community. His unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth behind complex environmental issues underscores his expertise, experience, and unwavering dedication to advancing ecological understanding.